Custom Orthotics in Charlotte, NC | Charlotte Foot Care

Never Miss Work or School Guaranteed!

13425 Hoover Creek Blvd, Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28273


Never Miss Work or School Guaranteed!

13425 Hoover Creek Blvd, Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28273


Never Miss Work or School Guaranteed!

13425 Hoover Creek Blvd, Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28273



Patients Get Relief from Foot Pain with Custom-Fit Orthotics

custom molden orthodontics in charlotte ncA clinical evaluation must be performed by our foot and ankle specialist to determine which type of orthotics in Charlotte, NC, can best help address your particular needs, including assessing the types of shoes you normally wear. Below are some of the commonly prescribed custom-molded orthotics you’ll find at Charlotte Foot Care Associates…

  • Accommodating Orthotics – This type of orthotic is among the most commonly used. Using special padding to support your foot structure, these orthotics help to “accommodate” a specific area of your foot to relieve pressure-causing pain.
  • Functional Orthotics – Functional orthotics use a specific biomechanical application to influence the motion of the foot as well as to shift the forces acting on the foot for improved alignment.
  • Functional-Hybrid Orthotics – When a blend of both accommodating and functional orthotics is necessary for your unique foot structure, Dr. Lu will prescribe functional-hybrid orthotics. Functional-hybrid orthotics may be the best fit for your specific lifestyle, such as needing to stand for prolonged periods at work, or while playing sports.

Once we determine what type of orthotics in Charlotte, NC, you need, a custom molded cast will be used to fabricate your custom-made orthotics. Once you receive your customized orthotics, our podiatrist will provide necessary wearing instruction, and schedule a follow-up appointment to evaluate your treatment progress. At that time, we can make any necessary changes or adjustments to the orthotics in an effort to increase your level of comfort.

Orthotics & Medical Insurance

As corrective footwear devices, orthotics in Charlotte, NC, are often covered by private insurance plans. We are happy to handle the insurance claim and billing paperwork for you.

Find Out if Orthotics in Charlotte, NC, Are Right for You!

If you would like an evaluative appointment to have an overall checkup of your feet and ankles, we invite you to schedule our Greater Charlotte Foot & Ankle New Patient Exam. Your consultation with Dr. Lu includes a complete physical exam of all podiatry systems such as muscle strength, joints, foot structure, range of motion, arterial & vein systems, wound or rash assessment and a comprehensive skin analysis.  You can reach a helpful team member by calling 704-228-1350, or clicking here if you prefer to use our online appointment request form.

As one of the area’s premier podiatry practices in Charlotte, NC, Charlotte Foot Care Associates also provides 5-star-rated foot & ankle specialty care to patients in Steele Creek, Ballantyne & Pineville, NC, as well as Lake Wylie, Fort Mill & Tega Cay, SC.

Easy Ways To Get Started

If you want to learn more about our podiatry practice - where we offer the area’s most convenient hours, where we are experts in various treatment options, and where we offer unique boutique services - Charlotte Foot Care Associates is here to serve you!
